
We welcome pitches on a range of art forms, from theatre, dance, and music to gallery openings, concerts by local acts, and film festivals. We are regularly commissioning reviews of upcoming productions not only on the University of Alabama campus, but also the broader region including Tuscaloosa, Northport, and Birmingham. Also of interest are op-eds and letters to the editor, among others.

Interested in pitching?

Please email ripple@ua.edu the following, to the best of your ability, in roughly two to three paragraphs:

  • What is the performance, exhibition, or event you’d like to review? What is potentially interesting, compelling, or timely?
  • What is the insight or approach you bring to the topic? What particular expertise can you offer?
  • What are some possible larger ramifications of considering this particular case from your vantage point? For whom?

Never pitched before?

Here’s some helpful advice from editors across the publishing world. We look forward to hearing from you!